
Madness and Insanity in Shakespeare's Hamlet Essay

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Hamlet - A Question of Madness

Hamlet's public persona is a facade he has created to carry out his ulterior motives. The outside world's perception of him as being mad is of his own design. Hamlet is deciding what he wants others to think about him. Polonius, a close confidant of the King, is the leading person responsible for the public's knowledge of Hamlet's madness. The idea that Hamlet is mad centers around the fact that he talks to the ghost of his dead father. He communicates with his dead father's ghost twice, in the presence of his friends and again in the presence of his mother. By being in public when talking to the ghost, the rumor of his madness is given substance.

Polonius decides to go to Hamlet's …show more content…

His motivation for this response is that he knows the King and Polonius are eavesdropping on his conversation. Attempting and succeeding in embarrassing her, he questions Ophelia's virginity. Later while attending a play with other royalty, Hamlet again questions Ophelia's chastity in another attempt to humiliate her. This time his assault on her character is in front of a much larger audience. In both of these instances, Ophelia tries to dismiss Hamlet's insinuations. These two instances also serve to show Hamlet's irrational behavior, further justifying Polonius' belief that Hamlet's madness is connected to sex.

Hamlet's madness is not in vain. As Polonius says in Act II, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't" (109). The reason Hamlet is pretending to be insane is to exact revenge against his father's murderer, the King. He is aware that the King will be concerned about his behavior and he is right. After the play all the characters attend, the King is very disturbed. His reason for being disturbed is that he just witnessed a play which depicted the murder he committed against his own brother, the former King of Denmark. The King knows Hamlet knows of the murder and is aware that Hamlet may not be completely insane. Because he is afraid of losing his power and title of King, the King decides that Hamlet should go to England.

His motives

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