
Macy's Integrated Marketing Plan

Better Essays

Integrated Marketing Campaigns

MK 332

Macy’s Integrated Marketing Plan
Executive Summary
Macy’s Inc. is a well-established, historic and profitable company that is known as a quality yet affordable department store. Macy’s is an American icon; therefore our objective is not to change this image, but to modify it to appeal to a more youthful market.
With our main objective in mind, we have proposed an Integrated Marketing Campaign that is geared towards our target market of young adults. By choosing alternate forms of media that appeal more to our younger target market, we can place Macy’s in these customers’ evoked set. For example, we plan to use media outlets such as social media websites, television, magazines …show more content…

The main demographic of which we are targeting has often been called the “Echo Boomers”. Echo Boomers can be defined as those born between the years of 1982-1995. “They're called "echo boomers" because they're the genetic offspring and demographic echo of their parents, the baby boomers” (Leung). That would currently make those people in the age range of 15-28. Rebecca Leung of “60 Minutes” reports on exactly who the “Echo Boomers” are. “They're called "echo boomers" because they're the genetic offspring and demographic echo of their parents, the baby boomers” (Leung). A reason why we are targeting this age group is because they make up nearly a third of the U.S. population. There are about 80 million of them and they spend $170 billion a year of their own and their parents' money.
In terms of psychographics, this group of people was the first to grow up using computers. They grew up in an age of technology and for the most part have been using it all their lives. Internet marketing could prove to be extremely effective on this age group. “Echo boomers are a reflection of the sweeping changes in American life over the past 20 years. They are the first to grow up with computers at home, in a 500-channel TV universe. They are multi-taskers with cell phones, music downloads, and Instant Messaging on the Internet. They are totally plugged- in citizens of a worldwide community.” (Leung)

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