
Macbeth Vs Lady Macbeth

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Lady Macbeth is filled evil schemes, and knows how to achieve her goal of getting her husband into the kingly position. Lady Macbeth is very convincing in her ideas, and does not leave a lot of space to think otherwise. Macbeth is not left much choice but to conform himself to his wife’s mischievous strategy to get him to become king. He is very loyal, and wants to remain so to his king even knowing he would become king if Duncan, the present king, were to die. Lady Macbeth, however, has other plans for Macbeth, and she soon has him convinced to commit an act which will change their lives forever. Macbeth and his wife are truly opposite people, as Macbeth is laid back and easy going, while Lady Macbeth wants everything planned out and will go onward with plans no matter who they affect. She truly does make Macbeth a more interesting person through her evil schemes. “I have given suck, and know how tender ‘tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out had so sworn as you have done to this (Shakespeare, 44).” Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth that he must go forward with his intent of killing Duncan while he sleeps. She explains to him that she would be so courageous as to tear her baby away from her and kill it while it was smiling at her if she had promised to do so. The fact that Lady Macbeth would be able to commit such an act in a tender moment as nursing her child

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