
Macbeth Morality Essay

Decent Essays

A famous philosopher, Immanuel Kant, once said, “morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness”. This life lesson about morality, which is defined as the principles held to distinguish between actions that are right and wrong, is taught in many of William Shakespeare’s plays. In Macbeth, the regicide of King Duncan teaches us to not act against our morals because it will create separation from ourselves. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth shows he is separated is when he cannot say amen. Before he actually murders King Duncan, Macbeth hesitates and considers the action multiple times. He even lists reasons as to why he should not kill Duncan but is eventually persuaded …show more content…

With his courage and power in war, Macbeth was the Thane of Glamis and a valiant general in the Scottish army, who probably killed many opposing soldiers. This proves that he had a strong understanding of himself because he knew killing the enemies was the right course of action to protect and defend his country. This also shows that he is used to death and does not disturb him very much. However, when Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to act normal and not think much of the regicide, he says, “To know my deed ‘twere best not know myself/ Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst” (II.ii.71-72). This means that he does not know who he is anymore and he cannot identify himself with the deed he has committed. This helps to show his regret because he wishes he could bring Duncan back to life with the knocking he hears. Macbeth shows he is separated from himself because he feels he must forget about who he was to accept the reality that he killed Duncan. He is realizing the kind of person he has become and how much he has deviated from the brave and virtuous general he once was. The death of Duncan impacts him gravely because he knows it was morally wrong but was blinded by the ambition to become the king. Although he realizes the changes of his integrity, he continues to act against his morals by killing more innocent

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