
Lying Is A Bad Side Of Lying

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Most of the people always think that lying is bad. For centuries, philosophers and theologians have characterized lying as unethical (Levine & Schweitzer, 2014). Similarly, ethics scholars have argued that the honesty is a critical component of moral character and it is also a fundamental aspect of the ethical behavior. Some lies are perceived to be more ethical than an honest statement. Prosocial lies are intended to benefit the target and have small or substantial consequences (Levine & Schweitzer, 2014). For example parents may tell prosocial lies about their marriage to protect their children, the government authorities may tell a prosocial lie to the citizens, and hoping to protect them and doctors may tell a prosocial lie about the severity …show more content…

Lie can be defined as a statement which believed by those liars to be false and made to another person with the intention of making such person to be deceived by the statement. A lie is always associated with deceit. The term of deceit implies an intention to mislead to the disadvantage of those who are misled (Graafland & Eenkhoorn, 2010). The deception with lying is qualified as a calculated effort to mislead the target of lie. There are ten millions of dollars are lost to American businesses at the hands of dishonest employees. Besides that, detection of deceit is also critical to the public safety and health. When the problem prompted the first lie reappears, the risk of having past untruths exposed is a powerful incentives to lie again. Those who lie on behalf of the state are lauded whereas lying for the enemy is the most heinous crime which considered as traitorous. We can argue that the greater the level of the central control, there will be greater risk from pervasive deception. There was a case which about Chinese leaders knew the disastrous consequences of the Great Leap forward but persisted in their policy and imposed a system of deception. Due to lack of free debate which able to stimulate the action, 10 millions of people died of the starvation in year 1959 to year 1961, it was hidden for years. There are good and bad side of

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