
Lord God, God And God

Decent Essays

The Hebrew Bible is a redaction, a single document stitched together using different sources. The first book, Genesis, means origin: both the origin of the world (creation) and modern humans (genealogy). It is the product of two sources known as the Priestly source (P) and the Yahwistic or Non-Priestly Source (J). The two sources present different versions of the supreme being: God and Lord God. While God and Lord God both have immense power and the unique ability to create, they are separate characters with separate personalities. Lord God is like a Greek anthropomorphic god with human desires and limitations, whereas God is an all-powerful abstract being of pure spirit. Lord God, like a Greek anthropomorphic god, has a human form and body. We first learn about Lord God in chapter two, the second creation story. Firstly, Lord God “formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath.” (2.7) The verb “to form” implies that Lord God made man with his hands, and he has a breath, so he is not just an immaterial being. Therefore, Lord God must have a physical form because he is directly involved in the work of creation, not just commanding things to be. We see evidence of his physical presence later when Adam and Eve “[hear] the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden…” (3.8) For Lord God to be walking and making noise in the garden, he would need to have feet, and by extension, a body.
In addition to his human physique, Lord God has a human

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