
Literature Review Of HRM

Decent Essays

Literature Review The history of HRM had its beginnings in the early 1800s in England. In the pre industrial era, the apprentice worked and lived in close proximity with the master craftsman who looked after his needs. During the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, manufacturing underwent a sea change when machines were used in large factories to manufacture goods. Later, in the 19th century, Frederick W. Taylor propounded the theory of scientific management that studied workflows scientifically to improve economic efficiency and significantly improve labor productivity. Taylor recommended that the combination of scientific management and industrial psychology of workers. Taylor proposed that workers should be managed not only for …show more content…

For acquisition certain practices and methods like interviews, statistical analysis, questionnaires, career path charts and skill inventories are used in general. Furthermore, it is stated that HRM practices can also be categorized on the basis of their emphasis into three sets viz., quality focus, cost reduction, and differential innovation (Guest, 1997). The importance of effective HR practices can be judged by the fact that with the effective execution of HR practices, the employees tend to be more committed to their work and they go the extra mile to add to organization’s benefit. Alignment between HRM practices and organizational strategy establishes a coherent system for organizations. There has to be a "fit" between the human resource planning and organizational strategy, Internal fit aligns HR practices with strategic organizational objectives while external fit aligns HR practices with the external environment. The external fit exhibits a more precise fit between quality policy and assertive performance HRM practices (Youndt, …show more content…

The study observes that implementation of effective HR practices improves employee performance and enhances organizational culture. There is a positive relationship between HRM practices, organizational commitment and organizational behavior (Arnett and Obert, 1995). All HRM practices and initiatives are applied for attaining the same organizational objectives. HRM perspectives can be substantiated as the acceptable or incorporation concept (Sivasubramanian and Koreck, 1995). The four specific goals of effective HR planning are as follows: Maintaining the established personnel level throughout the process even during the ups and downs in the output level so as to increase the confidence of workers and to decrease the redundant costs of hiring. Assisting financial resource managers in the proficient planning of departmental budget plans. Keeping a check on the turnover rate of young

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