
Literary Criticism Of Dracula

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A horror classic by Abraham Stocker, Dracula, may be one of the most notorious villain stories of all time. Bram Stocker is a Irish writer who changed the view of what to read in his time. He shows dark and twisted situations and metaphors throughout Dracula and many other of his horror novels. This novel was released in the Victorian era, which saw his type of writing as equivalent to the devil. This era was a long time of peace and bright minded people. Stockers style surprised many readers, because he always has you thinking it can’t get any darker than it is but it always exceeds the previous twisted situation or event. Bram Stocker shows Dracula as an iconic creature, with many reasons to be feared, but displayed in the wrong time era. Sstoker had brought something new to the table, horror fiction, not a popular subjects in the Victorian era, but were enjoyed among the French(Brackett). Stokers union of sexuality and violence is endemic among us, which is why you sent a great writer(Bloom). A reason why Sstoker writes about violence may be due to the frustrations of his own marriage(Bloom), he and his wife had their up’s and downs but eventually only saw down. Maybe if it wasn’t for his marriage, Dracula wouldn’t be welcome to the modern reader as one of the most frightening tales there is to be. The novel is a classic story of good v. evil. The author took many years and hard research to conjure up a literary masterpiece like Dracula(Burt). A unique type of

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