
Literary Analysis Of Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Their Eyes Were Watching God

“Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston, written in 1937, is about a African american girl named Janie Crawford who grew up in a white household. Through her transition to womanhood she wanted to experience true love, which set her on a quest to do so. Her grandmother arranged a marriage for her, which Janie wasn't so happy about. The story follows her growing as a person and her many experiences with her marriages. Each impacting her emotionally and making her the woman she becomes at the end of the book. Towards the ending of her book, after being harmed emotionally, and sometimes physically by her past husbands she meets a man named Tea Cake, much younger than her. She fell in love with him and …show more content…

The hair rags symbolize her freedom from corruption. In chapter 7(page 76) it states “ the years took all the fight out of janie's face. For a while she thought it was gone from her soul. No matter what jody did, she said nothing. She had learned how to talk some and leave some”. Through her first marriage with Joe she's been constantly shut down and has gotten her dignaty take out of her But towards the end of the chapter she was able to liberate herself from such corruption and value her worth and take out the toxics in her life.

We see a lot of symbolism through the book, such as the gun used at the end of the book, and the pear tree. Towards the end of the chapter we see janie having to kill her only true love with a gun, it was a tough decision because in her eyes tea cake has shown her what true love really feels like. The gun symbolized how sometimes the tough decisions are the necessary ones. In the last chapter page 185 it states “It was the meanest moment of eternity. A minute before she was a scared human being fighting for its life. Now she was sacrificing self with Tea Cake’s head in her lap. She had wanted him to live so much and he was dead. No hour is ever eternity, but it has its right to weep. Janie held his head tightly to her breast and wept and thanked him wordlessly for giving her the chance for loving service”. This is talking about how she had to kill her own true love because her own

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