
Life in Colonial America

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During colonial times life would not have been anything like it is today. They would not have a cell phone, computer or a global positioning system. The family would wake up to begin their day with chores depending on their sex, location, age and, the families’ social class. Families were large for various reasons - help on the farm, most children died before the age of five. Childbirth was extremely dangerous for women of the day. Doctors did not deliver infants. That job belonged to midwives. Today women would have an epidural for pain. Back then woman would bite a stick or follow the old wives’ tales such as placing a knife under the bed to cut the pain. After the birth, depending on the family’s wealth, they would feast to help the mother regain her strength. The mother would rest for three to four weeks before returning to her duties as a wife and mother. Someone from a lower social standing would only rest two or three days at most before returning to her daily work. The infant would be dressed in swaddling gowns then later in dresses. Infants and toddlers would wear dresses and long gowns until the age of five regardless of their sex. At the age of five, girls would begin learning how to cook and sew among other household chores. Boys would also begin chores, following their father and other men’s example around the farm. If they came from a wealthy family, then a tutor would teach the child. Females who were highly educated had a difficult time

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