
Life Of Pi Religion

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The movie "Life of Pi" (2012) is a fantasy adventure movie. It was about an Indian guy saying his adventure to a novelist. Main character Pi, is an Indian boy whom lost his family while moving to Canada. He was alone at sea with a tiger. Trapped at sea in a lifeboat with a hungry tiger, he survived despite many disadvantages and difficulties. He eventually reached the coast of Mexico and the tiger left toward a jungle nearby. This movie mentioned several religion when it was developing the character Pi. Pi was a raised Hindu that got introduced to Christianity at the age of 12 and Islam soon after. He decided to follow all three religions because he wants to love God. He believed God was introduced to him in different forms, Hindu, Christian, …show more content…

It reflects the secularization thesis. When it mention these three religions, it is telling us that in modern world, there are many ways of life. It's not just one way, there are many ways, even in religion, there is the element of choice. Also mentioned Pi's father is an Atheist whom married a Hindu wife, suggesting that cross-religious marriage is acceptable. Pi chose to follow all three of them which in pre-modern age, wasn't allowed. It emphasized the feature of modern age and indicated the secularization thesis works in Asia as well, because Pi is an Indian. This movie is also religious when it comes to showing our connection with the nomos, a religious feature suggested by sociologist Berger. Nomos is our sense of universe, it helps individuals make sense of his life and recognize his identity. Pi used nomos to help him make sense of his life and identity. His reflection image on the water of his loved ones helped him remember his identity, who he is. And the challenges he got when being alone, like starvation, dehydration, hungry tiger, and a carnivorous island can all be seen as Anomie, the separation from the norms and collectivity of society. It gave him motivation to get back to society as soon as possible because nothing works for human if we are disconnected to the society. The nomos he found, his thoughts for the loved ones, kept him awake and a sense of comfort during his experience of

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