
Physical Abuse Essay

Decent Essays

Life is complex and there is still an abundance of knowledge we have yet to gather about it. We know where it originated and what has evolved from it. From the knowledge we gather about the world around us, we can develop a sense of self and who we are as a person. As soon as we know who we are, we then begin to acknowledge that there are people around us that we relate closely to by blood or by choice; family. Our family can be the people we eat with around the dinner table or the people who remain by our side through the hardships and the good times. The feelings we encompass for these people around us may be everlasting love, but it can also be animosity. We can appreciate these people and all they do for us, or despise their every being. As a result of the hatred we may embody toward someone, we may act out. Maybe by using verbal abuse, and maybe with physical abuse. Some of the best ways to help children cope with the mental and physical abuse from their childhood would be to encourage them to discuss the events and assure them it was not their fault, recognize the self-destructive ways they act out as a result and provide support, and inspire them to get more involved in their school and community, all of which will contribute to them moving past their trauma and easing back into reality and a better future.
Encouraging children to discuss abusive events and assure them it was not their fault can help them cope. It was not until months after I met my best friend that

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