
Life After Prison Video Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Course Video Critique 6: Life after Prison: Success on the Outside
In the video, “Life after Prison: Success on the Outside,” explains personal perspectives of currenta and former prison inmates regarding their process to the life of freedom. To start the process of freedom, inmates must be able to change their behavior to become better citizens for society. To help aid to changing behavior, programs were designed for inmates to give skills, and a privilege to gain important productive aspects such as rehabilitation for drug addiction. Education is another way to help inmates by giving them something to learn and this become more logically and critical thinkers that would help deter criminal activity. Goals remain an important part for a prisoner that they would know what they need to do to achieve those goals as well as gaining confidence in themselves. If inmate act accordingly, and completed whatever the prison ask them to do in a effortful way, then they can be rewarded by getting parole and eventually life outside of prison. Despite the intentions of parole, inmates must continue to display good behavior by adjusting to life outside as well as getting support from others.
Critique of the video: Overall, this has provided a lot of …show more content…

Throughout the video explained numerous amount of incidences where the offender has changed their behavior through participating in these programs. According to Gideon and Sung (2011), that these types of programs help reduce recidivism due to the access of better and higher salary jobs that deters the need to commit criminal activities (pg. 204). Many inmates don't even have a high school diploma or a GED that could deter them from getting a job at all. One of the many programs being applied from the video is the ability to let inmates have college education that could help them find a legal career

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