
Legalizing Marijuana Position Paper

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What is your attitude about legalizing marijuana ? Why does legality of cannabis varies from country to country? In fact, selling and using of cannabis is illegal in most countries ,which have various penalties ranging from permissive to very strict, even though the use of marijuana medicinally has been used for thousands of years. For many years, legalizing marijuana has been a controversial issue between advocates for its medical and economic benefits and opponents of its risks. According to Pew Research Center poll in U.S., in 2013, the results showed that 52 percent of Americans support legalization of the use of marijuana and only 45 percent oppose legalization. Today, a number of countries, including Canada and some states in United States, have legalized the use of marijuana medicinally due to its contributions to human health. Therefore, the medical and economic benefits of legalizing marijuana are significant enough to support full legalization. Accusers claim that legalizing marijuana leads to a myriad number of negative consequences that might affect society and human health. They allege that marijuana is not only the easiest way to use other illicit drugs but also it might be accessible by children. Moreover, they …show more content…

In fact, legalizing marijuana leads to a large number of economic benefits of governments and citizens. Legalizing marijuana could be considered as a new source of revenue by reducing the amount of the budget's drug prevention allocations and imposing taxes from regulating marijuana sales. In addition to the money that would be saved, governments will be able to stop organized crime groups that are involved in the distribution of this drug. This in turn grow the opportunities of jobs instead of the illicit market, and people would start their own business under the rule of

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