
Law Enforcement Officers : Working Personality Essay

Decent Essays

Police “working personality” is limited by an unquestionable tacit within the police subculture, surrounded by shifting perceptions, depending on the situation.

This shared understanding is limited to law enforcement officers and their counterparts throughout the law enforcement community. Law enforcement officers articulate “working personality” though their understanding of common duty requirements and daily vulnerabilities, which include; danger, the pressure to be efficient, and authority.

As law enforcement officers develop “working personality” as an occupational exercise, over time it becomes a habit displayed equally during work and off duty, which leads to becoming continuously suspicious of their surroundings, violating civilians constitutional rights, using excessive force, and acts of mayhem. The following are examples of when law enforcement officers “working personality” progresses into to their personal lives as illustrated in the articles below:

• Off duty cops threatens to “PUT HOLE’ in driver’s head

• Off-duty SC cop arrests soldier, gets fired

Police Officer Accused of Sexually Abusing a Family Friend’s Daughter

• Florida Police Officer on Paid Leave

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