
Later Alligator Research Paper

Decent Essays

Ever since I was younger, I have been an athlete. Because I have always been an athlete, I have always loved food. My family also enjoys going out to restaurants to celebrate or just for a family dinner. Therefore, I have been to many restaurants in my lifetime. Now that I am a hungry athlete at Wheeling Jesuit, I enjoy visiting all of the local restaurants Wheeling, West Virginia has to offer. However, who is to say which is the best? To be able to decide which restaurant is the finest, I set up criteria to judge restaurants off of. After researching, I found food quality, respectable service, reasonable price, and atmosphere are important qualities for a restaurant to have. Based upon the criteria, Later Alligator is the best restaurant …show more content…

The criteria are important for deciding whether a restaurant is of better quality. Furthermore, criteria are necessary for the argument behind the restaurant that is chosen as the best. Food quality, respectable service, reasonable price, and atmosphere were chosen as the criteria. Without the criteria, anything could go wrong. Someone could be driving down the road and choose to eat at a restaurant that resembled a shack. Maybe the person choosing the restaurant thinks it will be a nice and rustic, but the restaurant’s atmosphere is all wrong; the place is a total mess. The customer receives their food, and their meat is green. Food poisoning or worms could result from this atrocious meal. There is a parasitic disease called trichinosis that could result from eating raw or uncooked meat. Let’s say that the food was actually fine, but the service was terrible. The food arrived late and the smelly waiter had a sassy attitude. A whole day could be ruined. The customer could be late to the occasion they had to make after the meal due to their food arriving late. Furthermore, the customer will be in a terrible mood from receiving back talk from the waiter. This kind of instance could affect other people as well. Maybe the customer had to go meet up with friends or family after the meal. Now, the customer would be in a bad mood, causing all of the others to also be in a bad mood. As you can see, criteria become very important in choosing which restaurant to eat

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