
Lady Macbeth Selfish Quotes

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Lady Macbeth is a character that ends up with a ending that ended her life due to her selfishness. Lady Macbeth Is a seemly savage trying to have the power for herself and her husband as the story progresses she turns into a fragile woman realizing her mistakes.Lady Macbeth on Act I, Scene V quotes,¨Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.” in this quote we can get an idea that she is wanting power. The meaning of this quote is that she is excited for power but fears that Macbeth won't eliminate the king and seize the throne. Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to slay the King of Scotland. On Act I, Scene V, Lady Macbeth states,¨Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t.” We can get an idea that lady Macbeth wants to kill the king but hiding their purpose of killing the king . This scene processes to get darker. In act 1, scene 5, Lady Macbeth quotes,¨Unsex me here.¨ What she means by that she removes all her feminine qualities to make her more evil. This lead to the audience being mortified due to her wanting to asking to be stripped of feminine weakness and invested with masculine resolve. …show more content…

On Act 5, Scene 1, Lady Macbeth States 'Out, damned spot! Out, I say!'. In this quote, she is now tormented by her past actions. This causes a repetition of exclamation marks presents in a chaotic mind. This quote represents her being mad and crazy now. Another quote on Act V, Scene I, she states”Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. “ This represent her being traumatized and guilt-ridden. This scene happened when she was sleep

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