
Kathy Is A Year Old High School Student

Decent Essays

Kathy is a 16 year-old high school student. She attends Douglas High School and is in the ninth grade. Kathy has been receiving services for speech and language since she was in the fourth grade. The reason for reassessment of Kathy’s abilities is due to parent and client concern of treatment still being needed during her high school education. Her parents have requested to have her strengths and weaknesses assessed to determine if more treatment is necessary. Kathy lives with her sisters, ages 18 and 14, along with her parents. Kathy works at her family owned sandwich shop on the weekends. Currently Kathy is attending her first year of high school and is enrolled in four core classes and one elective core class. She also attends a resource class while her peers are in study hall.
Medical history
According to her mother, she had a normal pregnancy when carrying Kathy and that there were no complications during her delivery. She also stated that Kathy had met all of her developmental milestones at the expected ages. At this time, Kathy is generally healthy. It was also found that Kathy suffered a closed head injury at the age of 8 years old from an automobile accident. The client’s parents believe that this injury may be why her communication is impaired. Kathy currently receives speech and language therapy twice a week for 45 minutes .
Education history
Kathy’s teachers report that she is shy and quiet in class. They also disclosed that Kathy misses most of the

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