
Jury System Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Juries are a crucial and irreplaceable part of the American justice system. The jury system has been around for hundreds of years. Our founding fathers viewed jury service as a critical part of democracy and self government. Twelve ordinary citizens make up the jury and will form a decision about the case. The jury system is still needed in the twenty-first century because it ensures the accused gets a fair trial and it promotes civic participation. The goal of the American Justice system is to remain unbiased. One way we can achieve unbiased justice is through the jury system. When you are selected for jury service, you must plead to only judge the case based on information presented in court. Judges also appoint jurors who have not formed or expressed opinions about the case (document f). …show more content…

The framers of the Constitution saw jury service as a pivotal part of self government (document c) . Jury service is fundamental in maintaining self government because it lets citizens decide the outcome of a case. Citizens selected to partake in jury service benefit because they get oversight into the judicial process (document c). Jury service is essential to the American justice system because the jury must agree on the facts. For instance, the 2008 Casey Anthony trial. In 2008, the murder of two-year old Caylee Anthony shocked the country. Arrested and put on trial for her murder was her mother Casey Anthony. Many people believed that she was guilty, and they were appalled when the jury found her not guilty. The jurors used the information presented to make their decision. As opposed to going with what everyone else believed (document

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