
Judaism And Judaism : The Father Of Judaism

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Judaism is a monotheistic religion that developed among the ancient Hebrews. Being a monotheistic religion encompasses the belief in a singular transcendent God that was revealed to Abraham and Moses. Abraham is known as the father of Judaism. VanVoorst, 2013 noted that “the book of Exodus contains the story of Israel’s enslavement in Egypt, God’s call to Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, Pharaoh’s stubborn resistance, and the Israelites’ escape through the parted waters of the Red Sea”. (p. 229) Moses led his people to a mountain named Sinai where they would enter into a covenant relationship with God. God spoke to Moses the ten commandments, and the Torah. The Torah, as described by VanVoorst, 2013 is “the teachings and commandments conveyed by Moses, particularly in the first five books of the bible”. (p.229) VanVoorst went on to note that one the focal points of the early Israelite religion were the moveable tent shrine that housed the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant housed two tablets with ten commandments written upon them, Moses’ staff, and a pot of manna. This tent, also known as the tabernacle, is the place where the first formal worship of Israel was held. During this period in history, Israel did not have a formal government. There was, however, a tribal confederacy that consisted of 12 tribal leaders bound under their covenant with God. It was not until around 1025 B.C.E. that confederacy was transitioned into a

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