
Judaism And Judaism

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People of the Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic faith are participants of a few of the most popular religions in the world today. Since we live in a diverse place every aspect of our lives, even our beliefs, are different. The Jewish, Catholics, and Muslims have differences in everything. From their religion’s origin and holy book, to their beliefs and ways of worship. But they also have similarities, where you can figure that they aren’t so different after all, and maybe they are just many opinions on the same thing. Judaism began with Abraham, around 4,000 years ago in Israel, Jerusalem. Followers of this religion understand that God made a covenant with Abraham, where future generations would be God’s chosen people. Moses, a descendant of Abraham, was Judaism’s most important prophet. It is believed that their God, gave Moses the Torah, one of three parts of the TeNaKh. The TeNaKh is the Jewish holy book, consisting of three parts, the Torah, Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim. In the Torah there are ancient Hebrew stories and 613 commandments, God’s laws. The history of the prophets is in the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim contains writings and psalms. The goal of Judaism is to live a good life according to the laws of the Torah and pass on the Jewish traditions. A synagogue is the Jewish holy building where the rabbi leads the congregation. Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed are the three sects of Judaism. Abraham was the start of Christianity, around 4,000 years ago in Israel,

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