
Essay Jesus and Christian Worldview

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CWV-101: Bible Story Worksheet and Journal #1
Module 1 - Part 1 – Bible Story Worksheet
For Part 1 of this assignment, you will complete this worksheet by reviewing the "The Story of the Bible" "flags" and fulfill each writing requirement.
Please keep your answers brief. Solid academic writing is expected. Refer to the GCU Academic Writing Guidelines in the Student Success Center.
Briefly answer each section from "The Story of the Bible":
Write 2-3 sentences explaining why the Creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview.
The creation account is so significant to the Christian worldview because it shows you how we became about. …show more content…

His life signifies forgiveness and resurrection. Jesus ministry shows discipline and obedience to his father and his word.
Write 2-3 sentences explaining how restoration and redemption are significant for our purpose as individuals and for mankind in general.
Restoration and redemption is important for mankind because we all fall short of the glory of God. We all need redemption and restoration because no one is perfect. If thing stayed the same with no repair or improvement this world will be in a devastated state; worse than today’s world.
Please review all your responses above and write a three-paragraph summation of the Christian worldview. In your brief summation, explain why it is important to know the story of the Bible and the common thread throughout the flags in the "Story of the Bible." Finally, how does your interpretation of life compare with the Christian Worldview reflected in the biblical story? It’s very important to know the story of the bible because it teaches us how we were created. We were created in the image and likeness of God. The story of the bible also lets us know about Jesus, his fall, his rise, etc. It teaches us some of the different covenants God made to us. It also talks about the prophets of the bible.

See Part 2 of this assignment on the next page.
Part 2 - Journal on Find Out Your Worldview Quiz
Use the space below to compose a journal of 250-500

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