
Jesus I Never Knew

Decent Essays

In the book The Jesus I Never Knew, Phillip Yancey presents an image of Jesus that contradicts the image of the Son of God society has established. As children, a majority of conventional Christians are subjected to a warm, soft-spoken, calm, levelheaded Jesus. Yancey argues against this common interpretation of Jesus, opting for a different, more realistic approach to Him. In contrast to the accepted portrayal, he stresses to the reader that Jesus was not always calm and accepting, and although he was the Son of God, he was still a human. As a human, Jesus was not without strong emotions of both love and anger. In the book of Mathew, it is written, “Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned …show more content…

Yancey provides many clear pieces of evidence supporting his idea that the Jesus he grew up with is different than the actual Jesus who lived over two-thousand years ago. He proves how different Jesus’ birth was than how people make it out to be in this day and age. Yancey points out how his birth was amid a time of great religious conflict and scandal, and would have been much different than Christmas cards and stories would have some believe. When Mary was given the news that she would be the mother of Jesus, Joseph did not accept it as truth. Joseph thought Mary had committed adultery, and Yancey even states, “Matthew tells of Joseph magnanimously agreeing to divorce Mary in private rather than press charges, until an angel shows up to correct his perception of betrayal.” (Yancey 31) Only when an angel came to Joseph, did he believe Mary would give birth to Jesus. This part of the birth of Jesus is not one that is told to anyone learning the Christmas story. It is one part of many that are overlooked because they do not fit with the calm, yet miraculous, birth told of in church. Yancey uses arguments such as the one above to convince his reader there is more to Jesus than what most Christians think. His arguments are backed up by facts from the Bible, and because of this, he successfully creates a strong basis for his

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