
Jane Eyre

Decent Essays

Jane Eyre Theme Essay (rough draft) Independence, the capacity to manage ones own affairs, make one’s own judgments, and provide for one’s self. Jane Eyre herself is a very independent woman. Throughout her life she has depended on very few people for very little. Charlotte Brontë wants the reader to learn that independence can open many doors of possibilities. Jane in her younger years was practically shunned by everyone and was shown very little love and compassion, from this throughout her life she searches for these qualities through those around her. Due to Jane’s mother’s disinheritance she was disowned by Mrs. Reed and her children, and was treated like a servant consistently reminded that she lacked position and wealth. …show more content…

Eight years later Jane decides to declare her independence and move away from Lowood, in doing this she opens a door in which leads her in the direction of other opportunities. Another sign of Jane’s independence was when she became eighteen, decided to leave Lowood and start a new beginning on her own to explore the world and fulfill the emptiness that she feels. In leaving Lowood Jane is enabled to experience more opportunities; love and romance, moving to Thornfield, making new close friends, also proving those that did not believe that she would ever come to much that she could accomplish great things in life. “I remembered that the real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, of sensations and excitements, awaited those who had courage to go forth into its expanse.” (pg. 77) This shows how Jane Eyre recognizes that there is a bigger world out there. She understands that there are more opportunities out there waiting for her, and that all she has to do is reach out and grab them. “Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel, they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do, they suffer from a too rigid restraint. Too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer, and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged creatures to say that they ought to confine

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