
Jackson And Andrew Jackson

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson acted more as King Andrew who incited mob rule rather than the man of the people which he claimed to be. Andrew Jackson disagreed with different government systems, moved his friends and allies into the cabinet, and closed the national bank which proved that Andrew Jackson knew how he wanted to change the course of America and took less interest in pubic opinion. Andrew Jackson acted as more of a king than a president. Jackson did not serve for the people of America, Jackson served to change America how he believe it should be run. By ignoring the government Jackson acts more like a king than a president. Jackson went against Supreme Court decision and removed Indians from their land. As Jackson said in his Second Annual Message to Congress Jackson commented that, “the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation” (Doc E). Indians on the land that Jackson forcibly removed them from was delegated as their land by the Supreme Court. By going against the Supreme Court, Jackson did not act presidentially. Also, The removal of Indians resulted in countless Indian deaths and resulted in violence. Another example of Jackson attending to his own agenda was the issue of nullification and South Carolina. Jackson had a personal bias against John C. Calhoun, and threatened him when Calhoun exclaimed that South Carolina would leave the union if Jackson didn’t allow South Carolina to lower or rid of the tariff on imported

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