
Jack The Ripper Research Paper

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Jack the Ripper was a brutal notorious British serial killer. He was also referred to as Leather Apron or Whitechapel Murderer. Jack the Ripper became a notorious serial killer because he was known for the murder and mutilation of five women in 1888 in London’s East End. People could only speculate about Jack’s life of committing murders since he was never caught. The British serial killer received his famous name “Jack the Ripper” from a letter written by an individual that claimed to be the person responsible for the killings. His murders took place with close proximity of each other. The killings of the Ripper took place in Whitechapl, Spitafields, Aldgate, and the city of London proper. “The metropolitan police file on the murders is known as the Whitechapel Murders file and it covers those murders committed in the East End between that of Emma Smith in April 1888 and Frances Coles in February 1891(The Forgotten Victims pg 65)”. Killings of prostitutes were nothing new during this time period. There was definitely a difference between those killings and the killings of the Ripper. He killed in a way …show more content…

The Ripper was in the papers daily because of inquiries and also the actions of the police. The Ripper was continuously highlighted by the press exposing the world to something they had never been introduced to before. The press was to blame for putting so much focus on the Ripper causing many myths to be created. It was said that the press, “ended up turning a sad killer of women into a bogey man, who has become one of the most romantic figures in history (casebook).” There was a lot of speculation that took place as to why The Ripper targeted prostitutes. “Experts have concluded further that Jack the Ripper suffered some traumatic experience that drove him to commit atrocities in prostitutes, possibly gaining some preserves sexual pleasure from their murder (Notorious Lives

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