
Ishmael Beah: The Separation Of Child Soldiers

Decent Essays

It’s estimated 300,000 child soldiers are still in the world today in at least twenty countries. Sierra Leone was just one of them. Forcing AK-47’s on children in the midst of war (1991-2002.) Adults once forced to be a child soldiers still have vivid, traumatic memories from their brainwashed childhood. They have their innocent childhoods taken away from being on the front lines of combat & have to grieve for the separation from their family. It’s key for everyone to understand what children are going through in other countries not as fortunate as yours.

First off, child soldiers are held against their will to do dangerous tasks that they have no say in. In an article interviewing Ishmael Beah, a former child soldier, he states, "Somebody being shot in front of you, or you yourself shooting somebody became just like drinking a glass of water. Children who refused to fight, kill or showed any weakness were ruthlessly dealt with.”
This examines how fear had such a big role in being a child soldier, & how fear dictated the child soldiers. …show more content…

Abu, a former child soldier adds onto how this brainwashing technique impacted him. “Abu is not sure exactly how old he was the first time he killed. He thinks he was 13, but was high on a cocktail of drugs and alcohol at the time and -- like many Sierra Leoneans -- does not know his exact date of birth.” This examines the effects of drugs & alcohol abuse. How it allowed child soldiers to perform their duties and not question their actions. This use as it became more repetitive acted like an eraser that just erased all the grief and questioning that children had about the war, their families, & what they were

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