
Isaac Newton Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Sir Isaac Newton was known for being a great scientist. He had many accomplishments when he was at Royal Academy. It made him a better scientist as he grew. He was born on January 4, 1643, but nobody knows where and he died in London on March 31, 1727. He started school a little late, but it wasn’t his fault.

Sir Isaac Newton was the son of a prosperous local farmer, also named Isaac Newton, but Isaac Newton died 3 months before Sir Isaac Newton was born. As a baby, Sir Isaac Newton was not expected to live because he was a small weakened little baby. His mom, Hannah Newton, remarried to a minister, Barnabas Smith. She went to live with him and left Sir Isaac Newton to live with his grandmother. After all the years, Newton finally reunited with his mother at the age of 12. She came back to him with 3 kids that she had with her second husband and that’s it, no husband because he died from just natural causes. He thought it was right to live with his grandmother so he didn’t see anything wrong with it because he was never old enough to really know his mother. …show more content…

This book helped a lot of people understand physics better and taught them new physics as well. He made this book at Royal Academy after 18 months of non stop work on it. It affected Robert Hooke and everyone in science, but Robert Hooke accused him of stealing Hooke’s work. But Newton strongly defended his own work because Hooke had nothing to do with Newton’s work. Newton thought of withdrawing the Principia, but this work helped everyone in science so he didn’t want to. Newton made the book to help every single person in science. He made this happen because he worked non stop till he finished it. He finally finished Principia in

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