
Is The Biggest Danger For Organisations Exist?

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“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” (Winston Churchill)

It is often said that change is the only constant in life (Heraclitus). However, humans tend to resist it because it is associated with risks and uncertainty and we are afraid of the unknown. We like to stay in our safe zones, which are stable and nothing bad can happen to us. Despite this, change is one of the most important aspects of life, without which no one can evolve. Napoleon once said, "One must change one 's tactics every 10 years if one wishes to maintain one 's superiority." In today 's society and business world change is even faster and it will continue to accelerate. Organisations and individuals, which do not embrace change, are bound to …show more content…

Sometimes deep organizational change is necessary in order to maintain a competitive edge.” Organisational change consists of production processes (quality management, lean production, business re-engineering), management styles (teamwork, training, flexible work and compensation) and relations with external sources (outsourcing, customer relations, networking). (Murphy, M., 2002)
Triggers of change are “disorganizing pressures indicating that current systems, procedures, rules, organization structures, and processes are no longer effective” (manual). There are many such triggers, which can be external or internal. Organisational change can be triggered by external factors, such as: economic and trading environment, both local and international, new discovered technology, variations of consumers tastes, innovations made by competitors, mergers and acquisitions, changes in politics and social values. When it comes to internal triggers, these include innovations concerning product and service design, low morale, depression, and high stress among employees, changes in top management, poor skills and knowledge, identification of problems, leading to reallocation of responsibilities, and new ideas on how to deliver services to the client. (manual)
Although it is a well-known fact that change is necessary, many organisations do not know where to start or how to implement it. There are many theories and frameworks about how to “do” change. These include John Kotter 's

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