
Is Global Warming A Legitimate Problem? Essay

Decent Essays

Global Warming as a subject is a very common one in today’s subjects of conversation. Man had been so caught up with the civilization advancements, that we did not realize how much damage we were doing to the Earth, until recently, where soon it can be too late. Though many people quickly disregard this problem, as being not a significant danger in their lifetime, soon as years go on and if we do not change our ways, the Earth may not be the lush, green planet as our astronauts from space see it today. Now the question has to be asked, is global warming a legitimate problem in today’s society, and if it is, what can we do to stop it? Global warming is already getting out of hand, though it has only recently come to the people’s attention. It first got the media’s attention when one of the worst droughts in decades was recorded in the summer of 1988 as stated by UC San Diego Virtual Museum. Speculation had developed that man-made greenhouse effects were finally put in estimated speculation that the earth’s temperature might arise. After that year, record breaking temperatures kept being recorded, and people were afraid that global warming has been already upon us, and it was only going to get worse. Carbon dioxide, is one of the major, harmful gases that gets trapped in the greenhouse effect. CO2 gets released when fossil fuels are burned and when CO2 circulatory systems are destroyed, such as deforestation. Just in the last ten years 25 million CO2 parts per million had

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