
Is Cloud Computing a Better Platform for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery?

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Is Cloud Computing a better Platform for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery? Name Institutional Affiliation Date: Is Cloud Computing a better Platform for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery? In the current business world, organizations depend on cloud computing as a strategy of delivering IT services to clients. Cloud based platforms provide cost effective ways for organizations to maintain a high level of reliability and availability for applications. Cloud computing promotes business continuity and helps in organizations during disaster recovery (Molen & Brace, 2010). Cloud computing frameworks ensures fast disaster recovery and business continuity. In the current global business world, businesses of different sizes are in pursuit if affordable strategies of delivering effective IT solutions continuously and reliably to employees and customers. Frameworks of cloud computing offer affordable solutions of business continuity and disaster recovery methods for small business organizations and cost-effective options for large cost-oriented corporations. Traditional business continuity and disaster recovery models have shown to be extremely expensive and cumbersome. Typically, they require maintenance and buying a full hardware set that is consistent with the critical systems of the company. This includes buying a complete set of the business data of the organization (Williams, 2012). The traditional system needs maintenance fees and capital to make regular

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