
Is Basketball A State Basketball Game?

Decent Essays

Have you ever been to a State basketball game? Here let me explain to you what state basketball is like. First of all you walk into the gym, it’s huge! You see hundreds of people, you’ve never see this many people in one room before. All you can smell is popcorn and hotdogs, which already excited you because who doesn’t love food? There is extremely loud “pump up” music playing, you can’t even hear what the person next to you is saying. It is by far one of the best experiences you will ever have. When I was in 5th grade I lived in Hayes Center, Ne. It was my first year living there. I had just started doing common sports like volleyball and basketball. At that age I really loved volleyball I was even the student manager for the high school girls. I went to every game because my dad was the principle, including football, volleyball, and basketball, girls and boys. That year the boys’ basketball team was on fire! They were winning every game by at least twenty points! They made it to district finals and this was one of the only games they had that was close. Everyone went to this game to support the boys: the students did a blackout to show some pride. By fourth quarter Hayes Center was up, they had been training for this all year. They did all they could and worked their hardest in this game, and it paid off they won and man it to state! Since my dad was the principle and supervisor I got to stay at the hotel with the basketball team. It was the first day I couldn’t wait to

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