
Interpersonal Communication And Conflict Resolution

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Literature Review
I have read, evaluated, examined and summarised the main secondary research resources that helped me understand my interpersonal communication topic, Conflict Management, and how theories, relevant skills and strategies can play a big role throughout the resolution and frequency of conflict among my peers.
Personality Types and Development of Adolescents’ Conflict with Friends
This study aimed to examine the developmental pattern of adolescents’ conflict frequency and conflict resolution with their best friends, and differences in these developmental changes between individuals with different personality types. According to the Dual Concern model individuals’ utilization of conflict resolution depends on the level of concern for oneself versus others. Specifically, collaboration occurs when there is high concern for both oneself and others. This strategy is characterized by positive conflict resolution behaviours such as negotiation and compromise. Accommodation takes place when there is high concern for others, but low concern for oneself. This strategy is characterized by high levels of compliance. A controlling resolution strategy reflects a high concern for oneself and low concern for others, and is characterized by negative affect, hostility, or coercive behaviour. In addition, a non-confrontational strategy, which involves reducing the importance of conflict and attempting to suppress thinking about conflict, represents a low concern for both oneself

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