
Internet Vs Internet

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Today technology has made tremendous progress over the years, making incredible feats in history. From starting out as a computer to being in our pockets, millions of people enjoy the power of the internet at their disposal. The internet is now easily accessible on our phones or laptops, we can just pull it out of our pockets and search the internet for anything we desire. But with power like this, it also comes with consequences. For a while it has been an been a controversial topic, many believe that the internet is corrupt while the other half say the internet is still reliable. There is no right or wrong side in the matter; however, that doesn’t signify that people are choosing sides. From my experiences with technology, technology shouldn’t be so heavily relied upon anymore in everyday life. Countless people will consider today’s technology to be a gift, the power to search and do anything on the internet within seconds making life easier for many. However, that isn’t always the case for others. Millions of people use the internet at their own disposal. With a tap of your finger, an infinite amount of information on multiple websites is at your at your disposal. This kind of power is reliable for multiple people who use the internet as a source of information. When you don’t know the definition of a word you simply type that word and you automatically acquire its meaning. Nevertheless, with power like this, of course, comes with downsides. Numerous of men and women

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