
Internet Veution : The Internet And The Internet

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The internet is a place where people access a world wide web of information. Internet neutrality otherwise known as net neutrality, states that all information is always accessible to the person who wishes to use it. In recent times, major internet service providers have put their lobbyists into overdrive to push the government to end net neutrality. If net neutrality were ended, then the internet as we know it would change dramatically. The presence of net neutrality is important to protect not only our internet experience, but our first amendment right to free speech. The internet has spread like vines and has integrated itself into our daily lives. It is best known as a place for all to retreat to in search of information and socialization, free of government intrusion. Although mostly free from government involvement, some internet service providers have made attempts at net neutrality. Since the creation of the internet, many have questioned how they could regulate its content and persons online. We are still not completely sure on how to do such. The Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC, originally labeled broadband internet as information services, exempting it from title II regulation. Although not fully involved, they promoted the idea of net neutrality and consumer freedom. They later revised their definition of broadband internet as a telecommunication service, allowing them to regulate it under title II, but with special regulations. The

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