
Internal System Controls And Application Controls

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Internal System Controls
Now a days businesses rely mostly on technology. However, there are risks that business information systems face such as human input errors, transactions or data input that are improperly approved prior to data input, and input controls that do not provide assurance that all transactions are initially captured and recorded; these risks are all categorized as data origin risks. Business organizations combat this and other risks using General Controls and Application Controls. Please keep reading to find out what this controls are and how this controls are used, as well as learn about other risks that business face and their respective categories.
1. General Controls
General Controls consist of implementation controls, software controls, hardware controls, computer operations controls, data security controls and administrative controls. These controls ensure that authorized user involvement as well as specific procedures and standards are followed, controlled and are properly managed to secure physical and electronic data.
2. Application Controls
Application specific controls include data origin, data input, data processing and data output controls. These controls ensure accuracy, completeness, validation, tracking and proper reliable distribution of data is attained in an organizational environment. Other application controls are application access, audit trail and documentation controls; that ensure controlled segregated access to

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