
Intelligent Design: Today's New World Essay

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The study of science is defined as that which deals with the workings of the physical world we are able to observe and measure. The origin of life, however, is a topic that science has long grappled with, despite the impossibility of observing or proving any origins theory in a strictly scientific manner. Today, the widely accepted theory of life’s beginning is the theory of Evolution by mutation and natural selection, or Neo-Darwinism. Most people in our modern society accept this theory at face value because it is popular with the majority of scientists, but it must always be taken into account that our origins cannot be proven scientifically and that, in fact, the theory of Evolution is not the only or even the most logical theory …show more content…

This means that the system appears impossible to create by the course of naturalistic evolution, that is, many small and gradual steps that eventually form the functioning product. Evolutionary theory proponents have, so far, been unable to satisfactorily address the issue of irreducible complexity in biological systems such as the eye and the blood. Intelligent Design theorists, however, are easily able to explain the phenomenon of irreducible complexity by pointing to the existence of an intelligent being that either guided or created the first forms of life. One easily understandable example of an irreducibly complex system is a mousetrap. A typical mousetrap consists of five parts: a wooden base, a metal hammer, a spring, a catch that is sensitive to pressure, and a metal bar that holds the hammer back. In Darwin’s Black Box, Behe uses the mousetrap as an example of irreducible complexity because it is evident that all parts are necessary for the trap to function properly. The platform is necessary to hold all the other pieces together. Without the hammer the mouse would not be trapped, and without the spring the mouse could easily scurry away after the trap closed loosely. If your trap was missing the catch or the metal bar, the trap would snap shut long before any mouse appeared. Behe goes on to say that there are certainly other ways of catching a mouse, such as shooting

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