
Improving The Public On The Importance Of Nutritional Meals And Physical Activity

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Purpose Statement Our team will launch a community-wide campaign focusing on educating the public on the importance of nutritional meals and physical activity (PA) in children’s daily lives. Our campaign will begin with mini-events held throughout our local school system. These mini-events build up to our main event, “Health and Fun Day”. All our events will educate our community in a fun and interactive way. Children must be convinced that eating well, reducing screen time and participating in at least 60 minutes a day of PA can be fun and exciting. Parents and educators must be convinced that providing healthy snack options, limiting screen time and increasing PA is an essential step to success in the development of children. Importance of Physical Activity and Childhood Development Physical Education (PE) has been a staple in schools for decades. Alarming trends suggest the prominence of PE is lessening in school districts across the nation. Only 1/3 of children are physically active every day. (President 's, 2016) The importance of PE must be elevated before poor health trends become a national epidemic. Over time, the side effects from the loss of PA could result in reduced academic discernment and an increased strain on our healthcare system. These trends can threaten our nation when competing economically with other countries. Robust PE programs insure children are given time for exercise during the course of the school day. Studies show with the decrease

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