
Important Life Lessons Learned Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout my life I have encountered numerous situations where I have learned important life lessons. While many of these lessons are cliche, each of them have truthfully made in impact on the way I live my life. Among all the lessons I have learned, seeing the positivity in everything is undoubtedly the most important to my life. Up until high school, school work came easy to me and I had never knew the feeling of struggling to understand materials. In specifically, precalculus my junior year was the first time that I had truly struggled with understanding lessons. My grade in the class began to reflect my lack of understanding. Rather than lower the standard I held myself at, I put more effort into the class. I frequently stayed after school to get help and do extra problems which allowed me to do better on class assignments. After passing precalculus with a B+, I took on the challenge of AP calculus my senior year. I have and still continue to put forth extra effort beyond the classroom in order to grasp a true understanding of each concept. Most recently, while working on College Algebra homework with my AP calculus teacher, he made an effort to show how the material linked together with what we were doing in …show more content…

I decided that if I was going to have a job I would make the most of it and put my all into it. Through my first months I began to explore the hidden aspects of retail and quickly learned that this was a step in the right direction for my interest in business and had potential for helping my future career. I found much of the work to be enjoyable which helped me keep a positive attitude. Without deciding to have the mindset to find enjoyment as well as put my all into it, I may have left the company after the end of the summer, or would not have had the motivation to go above and beyond my regular duties to have the opportunity to explore other aspects of

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