
Importance of Continuous Improvement in the Success of an Organization

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Continuous improvement in a management context signifies a boundless exertion to expose and eradicate root causes of tribulations. Typically, it engrosses various incremental or diminutive step developments rather than one overpowering improvement. From a Japanese perception continuous improvement is the root for their business culture (Cane 1996). Continuous improvement is a viewpoint, pervading the Japanese culture, which search for developing every aspects correlated to the change procedure on a current basis. It engages everybody, management and labor, in finding and eradicating waste in machinery, labor, and materials and making process.
The Japanese word for continuous improvement, kaizen, is frequently used exchangeable with the word continuous improvement. From the Japanese character kai, signifies change, and the character Zen, meaning good, taken exactly, it means improvement. Even if kaizen is a Japanese notion, various U.S. firms taken it with significant achievement by uniting the finest of traditional Japanese practices with the strengths of Western industry practice, in other terms, by merging the profit of teamwork with the creativeness of the individual (Flint 2004). Some refer to its execution in the West as lean manufacturing since then, when joint with the doctrine of just-in-time (JIT), kaizen or continuous improvement shapes the groundwork for notion of lean manufacturing.

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