
Importance Of Teaching English Language

Decent Essays


Teaching English as a second languages it can be a hard task if the instructor does not have in consideration the four main skills that need to be developed by the students, and how to use the methods, technics and approaches correctly with each level and group.

This work will be focused on the essential level, where the students can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases: like introducing him/herself and others, and asking/answering questions about personal details, and interacting in a simple way. (1)

The global scale of the skills at this level are:

Listening and speaking: students will be able to understand basic instructions or take part in a basic factual conversation on a predictable topic.

Reading: learners will be able to understand basic warning signs, instructions and/or information.

Writing: beginners will be able to complete basic grammar forms, and write notes including times, dates, and places. (1)

Classroom approaches

In order to cover and maximize the students´ knowledge, different technics and approaches will be implemented. According to The Direct Method, second language should be taught the same way as the first language was acquired, which is by total immersion. This technique allows the practice of the second language, and motivates the students to be actively involved in applying the languages in everyday situations. Mainly focused in speaking, then reading, and last writing.

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