
Importance Of College Tuition

Decent Essays

College Tuition: Why is it so high?
After high school, people either go right into college or find a job and decide whether or not college is the right choice for them. The choice would be a lot simpler if college tuition wasn’t so high. Nobody wants student loan debts following them for the rest of their lives. Lowering or even making college tuition free, will encourage more people to get an education and become successful. People shouldn’t have to pay thousands of dollars, in order to try and better themselves with higher education. The price of textbooks are ridiculous as well. Colleges need to offer free online textbooks to their students There are many things that can be done to achieve free college tuition, for example, unnecessary expenses college programs have to offer, such as athletic programs. Our governments high budgeted military fund can also be cut and the money can be used for making college tuition free or even less expensive. Many countries already provide tuition free colleges to their students. So why is college tuition so expensive?
College tuition has been increasing its price over the years. Supposedly, the reason for higher tuition, is inflation. According to an article on USA today, under the College section, “In the past 12 months, the rate of inflation stood at 2.2%, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Colleges, however, appear to be increasing their tuition rates by nearly double the inflation rate — a trend that has been consistent for

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