
Importance Of Civic And Political Participation In The Democratic Party

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[paragraph 1…. why civic and political participation is important, introduce the person you believe deserves a holiday] Civic and political participation is essential because it helps to attain the roles in the government, support the system by obeying the laws and if they disagreed with the policies their abilities to challenge the unfair laws legally. Not only does it allow citizens to fight for justice and equality, but it will enable them to make a difference in their community. If the people of the nation disregard their civic duties and responsibilities, the government would be allowed to do anything even if doesn’t allow the citizens to benefit from them. One person that helped the world that deserves a national holiday is Lillian Wald. Lillian Wald was a social worker, nurse, settlement leader and Public health advocate.
[paragraph 2… how the person influenced change, what issues or events motivated the person to action] …show more content…

Also establishing the women's trade union league and the children's bureau to work on the women's rights and welfare to children. In addition to end the practice of child labor. She has also formed the American Union against Militarism. August 29, 1914, her and Fanny Garrison led a march of more than 1000 women in New York City to protest the war. Let's not forget she joined women's peace party, later helping create the women's international league for peace and freedom(WILPF). The follow up of series of nursing lectures she organized in 1910, led to establishing a department of nursing in health at the Teachers College of Columbia

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