
Impacts Of Copper Mining

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What have we learned about the mining for copper that could minimise environmental impacts of mining in the future?

Copper is an inexpensive metal that occurs in abundance in communities where copper mining has occurred, such as Queenstown, Tasmania. Copper resists corrosion and an effective conductor of heat and electricity.

One positive impact of copper mining is that it has a great impact on the economy, as it is a multi purpose metal. It can be used for infrastructure, motor vehicle radiators and heating systems. In addition, it can also be used in electrical generators and motors for electrical wiring. As copper has many uses, more establishments will purchase the metal. Although it’s not as costly as gold, copper is sought out for its versatility.
In addition, copper mining promotes employment to people. In Queenstown, only so many people can get employment in sufficiently paying jobs. Copper mining gives the unemployed a chance to work as well as encouraging the flourishment in the building of new copper mines. This secures that there will be an abundance of copper to sell in bulk.
Another positive effect copper mining has on communities is the developing technology to mine copper. As copper mining occurs, the public begins to regard the states of the environment and health of the people. Through this, people can come up with innovative ideas to improve the state of the environment and prevent diseases caused by pollution.
Acid rain is any form of precipitation comprising of acidic components such as sulphuric acid, carbonic acid or nitric acid that falls from the atmosphere as rain, snow, fog, fail or dust. When sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere, they are transported by wind and air currents. Hence, the two substances react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to for sulphuric, carbonic and nitric acids. The intense extraction of copper in Queensland is one of the causes of acid rain because the large machines that drill into the ground contributes to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in large masses. The roasting, smelting and converting of copper is another factor that contributes to acid rain. The ores are roasted to remove

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