
Immigration Impact On America

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Immigration has fueled the American society from the beginning of its creation. Without immigrants, there would be no America. From ones searching for religious freedom to others seeking economic prosperity, America would not be the successful country it is today without its foreign-born masses. This country has thrived on its people’s diverse contributions, and it has stimulated our economy greatly. It is the place, no matter who one is, to thrive in the acceptance of one another’s differences. Unfortunately, there are others that oppose the very thing that has made America what it is today. Despite certain disapproval, the impact immigration has on America is remarkably beneficial to the economy; this is evident when analyzing its positive effects on gross domestic product (GDP), wages and employment, and other economic contributions, which in turn has stimulated colossal economic growth for America. When observing the immense impact immigration has had on America, the best gauge is to evaluate gross domestic product; this measures consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports, in which immigrants have prompted extensive growth. In an article called "Immigration is crucial for our economy and society," Sunday Times agreed that, “attracting immigrants is crucial for a successful country—fixing labour shortages and skills gaps, and boosting consumer spending” (Sunday Times). These attributes are quite arguably components of GDP. America needs such boosts in

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