
Illegal Immigrants

Decent Essays

There are over 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States, which is why I think that the U.S. should allow the children of illegal immigrants to become citizens, but make the adult illegal immigrants get in line, behind all the other immigrants trying to become citizens. I think this because the children were brought here by their parents, who were probably fleeing the hardships of their home country. I also think the parents should be able to take responsibility for their actions, especially since they came here knowing they were bringing their kids here unlawfully. If they really came to America for the right reasons, they should have no problem applying to become citizens and getting the same benefits as others. After becoming citizens they should be able to get their children back and provide them the life they wanted for them. The sooner we allow this to happen the sooner these immigrant families can be together again and start their new life.
I think the children should stay and the adults be able to become citizens because they will help our economy and create more jobs. Studies have shown that undocumented immigrants living in the United States contribute significantly to state and local taxes, paying approximately $11.64 billion a year. These immigrants nationwide pay an estimated average of 8 percent of their income in state and local taxes, which means granting legal status to these immigrants and allowing them to legally work, would increase state

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