
I M In Prison Creative Writing

Decent Essays

It has been two weeks and three days since I have gone through the hell I usually face every week. I hide in fear most of the time just sitting in my room, waiting for his next outburst of rage. I don’t have much; a metal bed frame with a thin mattress, once sheet, a pillow and a wooden table. That’s all I’m allowed to have. It’s like I’m in prison. Well it sure feels that way. I have always known that nothing good comes out of violence and anger, but surely there is a limit to what people can be capable of, especially someone who you thought used to love you. I guess not. I know I'm not the only one he is doing this too. I hear many other screams throughout the night. ‘This is almost a good…’ my thought is cut short as I hear a scream from …show more content…

I can fell the rush of adrenaline when I know I can make it out. Three more steps, now two. Everything seems to be going so slow yet so fast at the same time. I feel the cold door touch my hand.
Then SLAM! The door shuts. So many things are running through my head at once. But then I think the lock. Lock the door. My whole body is shaking with both fear and adrenaline. Finally the door is locked.
I have come out to a long hallway. Still no windows or light. I don’t even know what time of day it is. Left, right, my head turns to see where to go next. I go with my instinct and turn right. Walking down the hallway, it is as silent as the many nights I spent in my room alone with my thoughts. I come to a ladder. Should I climb it? May as well, nothing to lose right? There is a door at the top, what lies behind it that’s what I’m going to find out.
‘Three, two, one… here goes nothing.’ I lift up the hatch and to my surprise it is just as silent as the empty hallways. It’s a house, but the smell is familiar. That smell of musk sticks and lavender mixed together in an aromatic smell of… my childhood home. I’m in shock but everything makes sense.
He lived above me this whole time abusing me and probably many others. This man, the one that once called me his little princess is now the man that I call a

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