
Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management is an essential part for any organization. Moreover, development of this department is the first step, the ground on which the future of the company depends. It is essential for every single business unit and especially for such international company as Coca Cola. It is people, not technology who create the company. Human Resource Management at Coca Cola Company has many advantages as well as disadvantage. It is the global company and it is impossible to create certain policies or procedures applicable in all divisions of the company, cultural and political differences need to be taken into account.

Human Resource Management- is used to describe the function that is concerned with people-the employees. Human …show more content…

The human resource manager, as well as any manager, is expected to play a crucial role in improving the skills of employees and the firm’s profitability. In essence, HRM is now viewed as a “profit center” and not simply a “cost center”.

The strategic importance of HRM means that a number of key concepts must be applied.
• Analyzing and solving problems from a profit-oriented, not just a service-oriented, point of view.
• Assessing and interpreting costs or benefits of such HRM issues as productivity, salaries and benefits, recruitment, training, absenteeism, overseas relocation, layoffs, meetings and attitude surveys.
• Using planning models that include realistic, challenging, specific, and meaningful goals.
• Preparing repots on HRM solutions to problems encountered by the firm.
• Training the human resources staff and emphasizing the strategic importance of HRM and the importance of contributing to the firm’s profits.

The increased strategic importance of HRM means that human resource specialists must show that they contribute to the goals and mission of the firm. The actins, language, and performance of the HRM function must be measured, precisely communicated and evaluated.

Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to

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