
Hrm/531 Week 6 Final Team Report

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To determine and discuss the teams design area and project associated with it, for the completion of the remaining team reports.
All and any reasons that the team has chosen this project, based on previous experience or certain skill sets.
Determine the previous experience and skill sets of all team members which should be sourced from portfolio 1 Tasks 2 and 3.
Understand how these characteristics of team members can help contribute to the project and how they can best benefit the team. Stage 2
What we already know:
· Design area – Water Supply and Sanitation
· All team members have different worldly experiences and therefore have different skill sets. Stage 3
What do I need to find out: (To posted in team forum for answers)
· Which design project within our specified design area are we going to choose for the remaining team reports?
· Why we have chosen this project?
· What skills sets and experience do people have to best suit the …show more content…

6. How team members can be given the opportunity to meet the course objectives and their personal learning goals.
As previously stated there have been and are going to be an extensive amount of opportunities for team members to achieve and complete their personal learning goals. All team members have been given the opportunity to announce and discuss which particular learning goal they are most wishing to achieve, or a few of them. This was discussed within the first few meetings, and different roles, responsibilities and task were allocated accordingly, to best suit every team member's personal learning goals they are wishing to achieve. Problem Solving Cycle - Part B.1 - Continued Stage

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