
Howard Schultz : The Canarsie Bayview Housing Projects

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Howard Schultz was born in Brooklyn, New York on July 19, 1953. The area where Howard lived during his childhood was called the Canarsie Bayview Housing Projects. Howard came from a poor family that would work many hours to gain money to support the family 's needs as best as they could. His family finances didn 't stop Howard from becoming something later in life. He gained a scholarship to go to college where he gained a bachelor 's degree in business and marketing. He kept on working hard and improved on a pervious Starbucks company that he used to work for. With Starbucks Howard Schultz became a very successful entrepreneur.
Howard came from an unwealthy family background. His father was Fred Schultz and his mother was Elaine. Howard also had two siblings, one brother and one sister. The brother was named Micheal and the sister 's name was Ronnie. Howard and his family are Jews and in 1998 Howard was given an award for trying to promote a close friendship between the United States and Israel. Howard 's father had two jobs, one was being a cab driver and the other was in a factory. Howard 's father also used to be a United States Army trooper for a while. Howard 's father self-esteem was broken because of the disrespectful way he was treated in his job and the amount of money he made not making it possible for him to progress in life. His mother Elaine worked as a receptionist, and her maiden name remains unknown. Howard 's parents would work many countless hours to

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